ddHiFi Janus3 Review – Brand’s Best IEM

Below are excerpts from the review: The midrange of the Janus3 is the highlight of its sound signature, as it showcases its warm mid-centric tuning. The midrange is rich, smooth, and natural, with very good clarity and resolution.The lower mids are slightly recessed but still have enough presence to give some weight and fullness to male vocals and instruments. The upper mids are more forward but not harsh or shouty, giving female vocals and instruments more sweetness and emotion, however, female vocals do not have the same level of resolution as the male vocals.However, the real stand out is the…

ddHifi Janus 3 Review – By Jaarbywei

Below are excerpts from the review: The treble is energetic but never sibilant or harsh, i wouldn’t say its smooth as that would mean the Janus 3 is warm sounding.With the Spiral Dots eartips, the treble is smooth, for those who are sensitive to treble, perhaps can try it with this eartip.It has good extension and detail retrieval is average, some details are hard to pick up but this is purely nitpicking especially at this price point. From: Jaarbywei Click here to view more